Collaborations with visual artists & curatorship
‘Medinations’ in Les Marveilles du Monde, bilingual edition ed. Jane Lee (White Window and Plate-Forme at Le Musée des Beaux Arts de Dunkerque)
'Where Butterflies Flutter About' from Cuentos Rojos, Red Tales, Contes Rouges (London: Cult Fictions, 2005). Exhibited at Les Marvielles du Monde, Musee des Beaux Arts, Dunkerque, France
'The Graffiti Cure', Insomnia organized by Juno Leigh
The British Red Cross, Refugee's Week, Oxo Tower, London
'Kamikaze Knots'. Blog Rimbaud. Castello di Rivara, Centro d'Arte Contemporanea, Torino, Italy
'Cuentos Rojos, Red Tales, Contes Rouges'. Les Marvielles du Monde curated by Peter Fillingham, Musee des Beaux Arts, Dunkerque, France
'Speak, Memory' by Jane Lee and Douglas Gordon
(readings of A. Camus, V. Nabokov, S. Medina, R. Queneau), Lille, France
'Alzheimer's is a strange illness', Century City, Tate Modern, London
(curated by Peter Lewis)
'Rabbit's Foot', The Big Blue, London/Berlin
'Five Super 8 portraits. Mimesis as make belief' by Runa Islam (filmed portrait)
Space International, Matadero Municipal, Valencia (curatorship with Derek Ogbourne and art collaboration)
Reproductions, video-satelite link, El Diente del Tiempo, Valencia (curatorship)
Space International, King's Cross, London (curatorship with John Russell and art collaboration)